The Writer’s Journals: Blog

The Great WA Vacation Blog, Part 3

Part Three: Day Trips Galore Hi there everyone! Apologies for the delay in getting this new installment out to you. I honestly don’t know where the time disappears to lately. Anyway, I left off after the full first day of the vacation which we spent walking all the way around the most prominent parts of…

The Great WA Vacation Blog, Part 2

Part Two: All Things Olympia An early night followed by a late morning. This is how we saw in the first true day of my family’s visit, and it was blissful. We visited one of our favored local coffee haunts, the Dancing Goats Coffee Bar, and brought cappuccinos to my mum and brother both while…

The Great WA Vacation Blog, Part 1

Hello everyone! Long time no post… again. My ideas ebb and flow and I’ve been struggling to find content to share here that people would find interesting. So, instead of worrying about that, I’ve decided to do what I want and chronicle my time spent on a two-and-a-half(ish) week vacation that I took between August…

YouTube Updates!

Hi there, readers! It’s been a while, but are we surprised? I’m still figuring out this blogging thing, honestly. Sometimes I think I have a really cool thread of blogging to carry on about, then get no views or clicks and generally no activity on the blog for weeks… and other times I spontaneously post…

Writing Goals, Big and Small

Another infrequent installation of my blog has arrived! And today, I’ll be pondering over writing goals. We writers all have them, and I think the biggest problem is that we always set our goals to be a bit… lofty. Good at big goals, not so good at the small ones. I, for one, am very…

Seedling Progress!

Pictured above are the fruits of my labor, germinating these seeds that I was so excited about in my previous blog post all about it! These are the tomatoes, from what I recall. Unless someone moved the egg carton tray around to confuse me. This weekend, we’ll be planting the sprouts into our first huge…

Video Series: Writing a Novel

I’m back, and this time with some actual novel-writing things to show as fruits of my labor! Anyway, I’ve been putting together a (rather long) series on YouTube all about writing a novel. Specifically, I’m going over my personal journey and sharing tips that I’ve learned through trial and error as a first-time novel writer.…

Pen Pals

Hello and welcome to yet another blog post from me, pondering over something random! Pen pals, pen friends… these are things reserved for yesteryear, way back when our main means of communicating long distances with others was for ink scratched on paper. Everyone I’ve talked to about writing letters has said the same thing: “Nobody…

Flexing My Green Thumb

How do you do, and welcome to another edition of “I had a random thought/ did a random thing and decided to blog about it”! For today’s little ramble, I wanted to share my experience planting seedlings for the first time since kindergarten. It was surprisingly fun and satisfying. I was pretty savvy here and,…

Just Cat Things

Now that I have your attention by using the classic “cat picture” gimmick, welcome to today’s blog post all about my furry friend! Pictured above is Artemis, a sable Maine Coon mix. She originally belonged to my husband before we were dating, and my relationship with this fluffy feline has been built for over seven…


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